
1. 贵阳景点英文介绍

Dear Tony,

Last time you told me that you would come to China for travelling this summer,and now I’d like to introduce you something about Huangguoshu Waterfall in my home town because it is really a good place that many tourists don’t want to miss.

Huangguoshu Waterfall is the biggest waterfall in China and it is also one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.It is in Anshun,Guizhou,137 km away from Guiyang.People will be surprised at how big it is:77.8 metres high and 101 metres wide.Its loud sound can even be heard miles away.People can choose to take a bus,a train or a plane to get there.Every year,especially in summer,a large number of tourists from China and abroad visit it.

Look forward to seeing you in China.


Li Ming

2. 贵州旅游景点英文介绍

Lotus Garden ancient town


3. 贵州旅游景点英文名

Guizhou is like a verdant green lotus leafphotosynthesis, inlaid in the southwest of themotherland. Is a development of the fertile soil.

Guizhou scenery more and more! HuangguoshuWaterall is located in Guiyang City, 137kilometers from the provincial capital of WhiteRiver, the Hua Lala River flew down from thecliff! The momentum of the majestic,magnificent! Huangguoshu Waterall is China'sfamous tourist resort!

Yunwu Mountain in the south of Guidingprovince. It is one of the Miao mountain peak,1806 meters above sea level

Yunwu Mountain towering majestic, warmclimate, very suitable for tea. This does not, aworld famous tea "tea --" said that this tea hasbeen tribute to the emperor, known as "tributetea"!

Mention of giant salamander! You must bevery anxious, this with the dinosaurs lived inthe same era, a living fossil! We came to thegiant salamander Township -- rock. It islocated in southern Guiding Province,Shanqingshuixiu here, Qifeng list, prick towardthe sky, very suitable for giant salamandersurvival

4. 贵州景点英文导游词

在遵义 老城子尹路 (原名琵琶桥)东侧,原为黔军 25军第二师师长柏辉章 的私人官邸,修建于30年代初。整个建筑分主楼、跨院两个部分。主楼为中西合璧,临街有八间铺面房 ,当年为房主经营酱菜及颜料纸张。铺面居中有一小牌楼,檐下悬挂着毛泽东1964年11月题写的“遵义会议会址 ”六个字的黑漆金匾(此为毛泽东为全国革命纪念地题字的唯一一处)。街面房连接主楼与跨院之间有一座青砖牌坊。牌坊上方用碎蓝瓷镶嵌着“慰庐”二字。牌坊的另一面有“慎笃”二字。

  遵义会议会址主楼坐北朝南 ,一楼一底,为曲尺 形,砖木结构,歇山式 屋顶,上盖小青瓦 。楼房有抱厦一圈,楼顶有一老虎窗 。楼层有走廊上,可以凭眺四围苍翠挺拔 的群山,指点昔日红军二占遵义时与敌军鏖战地红花岗,插旗山 、玉屏山 、凤凰山诸峰。会址主楼上下的门窗,漆板栗色,所有窗牖均镶嵌彩色玻璃 。紧挨主楼的跨院纯为木结构四合院,仍漆板栗色。

  1935年1月上旬,中国工农红军第一方面军 长征到达遵义后,中华苏维埃共和国 中央革命军事委员会 总司部与一局(负责作点)即驻在这幢楼房里。

  从1934年到现在,会址主楼的房间逐步复原了遵义会议会议室、军委总参谋部 办公室、军委副主度周恩来的办公室兼住室 、红军总司令朱德与军委直属队指导员康克清 的办公室兼住室以及红军总参谋长 刘伯承 的办公室兼住室、军委总部参谋人员和工作人员的住室等。

  遵义会议会议室在楼上,原为房主的小客厅。面积为36平方米,长方形。屋子正中的顶壁上悬挂着一盏荷叶边盖的洋员灯,屋子的东壁有一只挂钟 (原物)和两个避柜(原物),其中一个避柜上嵌着一面穿衣镜 。西壁是一排轩亮的玻璃窗。屋子中央陈列着一张板栗色的长方桌(原物),四周围着一圈木边藤心摺叠靠背椅 ,共20只,为出席遵义会议的人员所坐。长方桌下有一只烧木炭的火盆,为当时取暖用。遵义会议会议室按原来陈列,每天接待成百上千前来的瞻仰者。

  军委总司令办公室(作战室)在遵义会议会议室正对的楼下,面积为56平方米,两间长方形的房间组成,中间布一道可折叠的六合门 。屋子正中陈列着两张黑漆大方桌,桌上有铁座马烟、订书机 、中华苏维埃共和国革命军事委员会信 、报纸做的信封、30年代商务印书馆 出版的中国分省地图册 以及《陈中日记》等。屋子的西窗下陈列着两张三 屈桌,桌上置西部皮包电话机,桌下立着线拐子 。东

5. 贵阳景点英语介绍

I am a native of Guiyang, the weather in Guiyang is changeable, commonly known as ten degrees to send five degrees.Guiyang can have many kinds of weather in a day, it still rains in the morning, maybe it will be sunny at noon.

When it rains in summer in Guiyang, it will suddenly drop in temperature.When it rains in summer in Guiyang, it will suddenly drop in temperature. But as long as the weather is sunny, the temperature will rise suddenly. If you live here, you must pay attention to the weather changes to avoid catching a cold.

6. 贵州景点英文名

My hometown, which is in the south of Shandong Province, is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river, surrounded by GREen mountains, In the past my hometown was poor, and people led a hard life. They couldn't afford to send their children to school. But ,great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past twenty years. Many families .have not only color TV sets, but also telephones, fridges, computers, and so on. New roads, houses, schools, hospitals have been built. People in my hometown are working hard for a better life. ( 103 words)

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文章来自: http://www.reyouwang.com/xianlu/213442.html
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