
1. 法国著名景点英文名字

法国各大城市名称: PARIS 巴黎(法国首都)

Dunkerque 敦刻尔克 Lille 里尔 Cherbourg 瑟堡 Rouen 鲁昂 Nancy 兰斯 Brest 布雷斯特 Strasbourg 斯特拉斯堡 Orleans 奥尔良 Nantes 南特 Dijon 第戎 Limoges 里摩日 Lyon 里昂 Grenoble 格勒诺布尔 Bordeaux 波尔多 Valence 瓦朗斯 Toulouse 图卢兹 Nice 尼斯 Perpignan 佩皮尼昂 Marseille 马赛 Toulon 土伦

2. 法国的风景名胜英文

Located on the North Bank of the Seine River in the centre of Paris, the Louvre is the first of the four major museums in the world. Founded in 1204, it was originally a French palace. It has lived in 50 French kings and queens.

It is one of the most precious buildings in the French Renaissance. It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures.

Now the Louvre Museum covers an area of about 198 hectares. It is divided into old and new parts. The pyramid glass entrance in front of the Museum covers an area of 24 hectares.

It was designed by the Chinese architect I. M. Pei. On August 10, 1793, the Louvre Museum of Art was officially opened to the public as a museum.

3. 法国景点名称




4. 法国著名的景点英文名

France is the third largest country in Europe and the largest in Western Europe. France has become one of the European powers since the end of the Middle Ages.

It reached the heyday of feudal society during the reign of Louis XIV in the 17th to 18th centuries.

In the long history, the country has cultivated many famous writers and scholars who have a profound influence on human development Thinkers, in addition to having the world's fourth-largest world heritage.

5. 法国著名景点英文名字大全

英国:伦敦 London

剑桥 Cambridge

利物浦 Liverpool

法国:巴黎 Paris

里昂 Lyon

马赛 Marseille

尼斯 Nice

图卢兹 Toulouse

戛纳 Cannes

德国:柏林 Berlin

慕尼黑 Munich

汉堡 Hamburg

汉诺威 Hanover

法兰克福 Frankfurt

瑞士:伯尔尼 Bern

苏黎世 Zurich

日内瓦 Geneva

比利时:布鲁塞尔 Brussels

阿尔斯特 Aalst

哈塞尔特 Hasselt

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文章来自: http://www.reyouwang.com/xianlu/215415.html
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